This is what i want to create: but i need full controll of the third person camera y and x axis. How can i implement this in blueprints? ( Visual blueprints are appreciated )
I know he did it with the forward vector and the W key but i want controll over y and x axis of the third person camera and i want to be able to press the WSAD keys while i turn the camera around and still be able to travel over the gravity walls. I don’t know if it’s possible though :-/
Another thing i really want is the floors that come up when you are near them. I have done this with matinee but it’s not easy when you have alot of these floors and it does not look that good. If anyone knows how to do this all in blueprints please let me know
Dude you really need to learn more about blueprints. What you ask is very easy to achieve. For instance for the floor parts, all you need is a ‘timeline’ and a ‘lerp’ and maybe a trigger box. For the camera, You need to add control inputs for the camera inside a player controller for instance. These are the basics, but in order to get a more believable behavior, you need to work more on it. But before that, I suggest you to go to YouTube and search for the topics and watch some videos. Just know that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
PS: i’m in the third person template with the rolling ball of the rolling template. Instead of add torque i used add impulse to move the ball. I did look around on YouTube but i can’t find anything that i can use for the gravity walls and the floors the same thing, can’t find anything. That is why i put my question on this forum. I have a basic understanding of blueprints but sometimes i need more help.