When starting game with high async physics ticks (1000Hz is enough), simple actors with enabled physics and gravity starts hanging in the air and do not falls.
When printing “is gravity enabled” and “is physics enabled” - all return true.
Object starts to behaved as desired when it collides with anything else, or when any force is applied (but not in Begin Play, or in very first Async Physics Ticks).
I can workaround this easily with setting a short delay at Begin Play and applying force with value of 1, but it looks really ugly
It doesn’t matters is actor “Async Physics Tick Enabled” is true or false.
How to handle it correctly?
To reproduce problem it is enough to:
- start new TPP game example blueprint project
- move any blue chamfer cubes high above ground (make sure it does not touch anything)
- set in Project Settings → Physics → Tick Physics Async to 0.001
- play level in editor
On my system cube would stay hanged until player touch it.
In my other project same thing happens.
With Tick Physics Async = 0.0025 - cube falls
Looks like some data race at early beginning.
Tested in UE5 editor Version: 5.2.1-26001984+++UE5+Release-5.2
System is i9-11900K + rtx 4080, with 60Hz single 4k display