Gravity change in 2d game

hey everyone! Just learning ue. I was wondering if somene could help. I’m trying to create specific mechanic in 2d game - for the character to stick to platform on the sides and to the bottom. At this point i dont care about character facing righ side, animationns etc, just want to implement mechanic.

ue 5.4

What I’ve done
I’ve followed this official tutorial to chaange gravity

What I’ve done

this more or less gives me more or less desired result for side of the platform

but i can’t figure out how to make another change, to the bottom of the platform

I’ve created box overlap on the bottom of the character and try to check it

but it gives strange results. It does not catch the platform, it falls very rapidly to the left of the screen (curren gravity)

Can someone suggest how to fix it?

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