Grass Tool + Landscape LODBias -> Big Bug

  1. Create New Map. Put the lighting on the map
  2. Create new Simple Landscape(w standart Settings)
  3. Create New Landscape Material with Grass Input, simple as possible

  1. Grass Type w standart settings too, and just have 1 type of grass
  2. Сompiling… and what we see. Everything is fine =)

  1. And then we wanted to change the LODs of some sections of the landscape.
    Okey, just go Landscape->Select Tool->Select Section->LODBias = 2(can be everything, just not 0).
    Cool. I got some good optimisation of my game

  2. Everything is good again, it seems to me. Lets recalculate the grass. Since we not have a special options for this, i just click on the “Use Grid” 2x time in my Grass Type Window.

By the way, it would be nice to have a special option in the landscapes Tab to recalculate the grass

And take a look now:

Grass lost touch with the landscape.
Apparently this is not a difficult bug, fix it as soon as possible, please =)
I won about 10 fps changing these LODs settings, this can be critical for the VR game

Thank you!

**PS. One More important thing: ** Collision Mip Level and Simple Collision Mip Level have wrong increment, if you set LODBias to 2, then Collision Mip Level and Simple Collision Mip Level need to be set 2+1 - that is = 3 to be correct


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