Grass in UE4

Hi all,

I’m just getting started in UE 4 and created a Grassmesh and added it into the engine.

Now my question. Why the grass looks so terrible pixelated?

The texture size is currently 4096x4096 px (.tga).
If the problem is solved, I will make it smaller (suggestions welcome).
The texture quality in Unreal Engine is on high (I think). Well I’m not quite sure I am as I said still new.
So I do not know which settings are important and where I can find these.

Lighting is also builded.

I would be glad if you could help me.

Detailed explanations were particularly great.

Best wishes


Hi, could you provide us with a screen shot?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes of course.
Here is the picture:
It should actually look like on the left side.

Your grass is very thin, if it’s less than a pixel wide when the texture shrinks down to 128x128 or less, you’ll get aliasing.

It’s not a perfect solution, but I had some luck using an antialiased texture mask (using TAA, iirc).

Thanks to both of you.
Under these circumstances, I think I’ll make a new Grass Model, which is a little thicker and simpler.
TAA and iirc tells me currently nothing, but I’m just going to read something about it, and thank you very much for the tip.
I write again when I have a new model added.

2 AA methods, FXAA and TXAA
iirc = if i remember correctly

I would look at both to see what works for you - project settings > render? > AA method

a search will show several posts about TXAA/FXAA and when to/not to use them

If you email me ([EMAIL=“”] I can probably send you a relatively reliable (though not fully battle-tested yet) foliage master material that is part of a collection of flexible/efficient materials/shaders I’m working on for the marketplace.

Oh okay, I understood iirc completely wrong. Thank you.

I have now tried both more or less. Thicker grass gives definitely better results but also looks less realistic. Also, I have set the anti-aliasing Method to TAA and FXAA and I add a Post Process Volume and set the AA method to different types. I have also tried it with different LOD settings.

And about your material, I would really like to try. I’ll email you.

Sent, sir/lady!

Try multiplying your alpha to make it even bit thiner, you can also try dithering to make it look more semitransparent. It is also good idea to use custom normals pointing up, to even out lighting on whole mesh

this looks like the engine is LOD’ing your grass, this is normal, but sometimes it forces low res textures to load if there is to much on the screen at once. a simple fix is to increase the streaming pool size with this consol command: r.Streaming.PoolSize xxxx x being the amount of vram you have. i use 4000 on my 980ti with 6gb vram set yours to around 80% of your vram amount.