Hi, I am doing an archvis project. I use a procedural landscape tool with several grass types. The material is set to masked and the landscape visibility mask node is connected to “opacity mask”. When using the associated sculpt tool, grass remains above the hole.
I found a bug report (UE-18612), which is to be assessed by the team. However, one of the comments on this topic were: “The workaround is to multiply your grass weight input by a Landscape Visibility Mask node in your material”, with part of the blueprint provided: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/257375/grass-draws-onto-holes-in-landscape.html
This looks like exactly what I need, but because I am new to blueprinting and unreal, I can’t figure out how it should look like with my case of material. Please help! Thanks in advance.
Here is the blueprint that I use: Landscape tool material posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine 4