Grass Blocking Volume

Keeping the dream alive: any chance of this being added for 4.12?

+1 here too. I EVER make procedural games.

Still no Grass Blocking Volume? I’m I missing the solution? Is this not in 4.12? I would really like to be able to remove grass at runtime. It would be great in combat or when placing a building.

Not yet.

As with any feature request it has to be worked into the schedule for planning, execution, and testing. It looks like this one keeps getting pushed due to other more pressing priorities.

In the meantime I would suggest checking out this article that explains a bit more about feature requests and why they don’t always make it in in the end or may take a while to get implemented:

Also keep in mind that we do accept pull request via GitHub that meet Epic Quality standards should the community want to implement it themselves. Full source is provided so there isn’t anything stopping anyone from going ahead and adding this type of feature. :slight_smile:

Thanks for replying so quickly. As least now I can move on to something else. I fully understand why it might not make it in -given limited resources. I guess I had hoped there was a workaround that I was missing. Some way to get a reference and remove the grass instance, like typical foliage.

BTW thank you for all of your great tutorials!

Hi, I may be late to the discussion, and I am not sure if any other solution has been presented, but I have a work around for this issue.
If you use a Sphere Trace, you can access the Hit instance and remove it. I repeat this using a FOR loop with increasing trace radius, 9000 times and had no impact on performance.(Just maybe don’t use persistent traces!)
But yeah if you are still looking for a solution, here’s mine. (The only catch is that you have to give the grass a collision mesh to allow trace blocking)

Just seeing this, I’ve actually done this in my game using distance field info, here’s a link to a tutorial I did on it:


Hope this helps.


I believe grass is essentially foliage without collision. It’s primarily the lack of collision which makes it so performant, and by adding that back in, you’re likely killing performance.

What happened with this? I can’t find information about it.

Is it possible to remove grass today with the 4.22.1?

I needed it as well so I decided to create it my self, and I’ve created a PR to the UnrealEngine source.

Like I said in the PR, there are cavets and there will probably be more changes, so feel free to use it but be careful about it.

Without special stuff, use vector fields to completely displace the grass from under the object. Its pretty simple to do, the cost is minimal. As a plus side you also implement grass trails/displacement.

Sure, performance wise is not the same as just removing grass, but it gives you Way more power.

You can even use the same technique and a custom texture to manage grass height via a black/white mask.