Graphics Settings, Update widget for BenchMark help!

I’ve made a widget that allows you to set the graphics settings, I’ve been thinking to try to implement an auto detect button to my widget, but I have no idea where to start. I index most of my settings to set the graphics, for example for resolution, 0 for 720p, up to like 2 for 1080p. When the player changes the settings it changes the variables and doesn’t save but when they press the apply button it applies the settings and saves them. The only problem I have is when I use the benchmark and apply the settings, how would I set all the individual variables for the benchmark, I would try to use a tutorial but so far I haven’t found any using the benchmark and updating the text and the variables. I’ve posted some screenshots below to show what most of my code is like. I have no idea where to start and how I would implement this. If you need more screenshots of what the code is like or have any questions for me I would be happy to provide.Thx.

So far I’ve had an idea on how I could approach it, but I’m having trouble thinking how I would do this, for example, if the fps is == 30 then return 0, if 60 then 1, if 144 then 2 and so on without a crap load of branches or selects, Anyone have Any idea on a better way on doing this? Ignore the error in the select.

After a bit of thinking I Implemented It!