Graphical artifacts/glitches when using Tilemaps

Using 4.8.3

There is an unusual line stitching shown in the level_example image. This background is all one color and is included in the tilemap. Even if I remove the background color the artifact still shows.

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Hey Distul,

It almost seems like you have the ‘Grid’ being shown while playing. Would you mind testing a few things to help me determine the cause of the issue?

  • When launching the game, are you launching in Standalone or Playing in Editor?

  • Would you mind opening a copy of this project in the 4.9 preview 4 release to see if those lines are still apparent?

  • Try toggling the viewport grid within the ‘Tile Map’ editor as well as in the main viewport.

Let me know what you discover after following the requested instructions please.

Thank you,


I considered that the grid might be getting superimposed onto the tilemap but the grid in the viewport and tilemap editor doesn’t line up with the lines shown in the photos.

The problem persisted after trying to the following:

  • Disabling grid in Tilemap editor and Viewport.

  • Opening project in 4.9 Preview 4.

  • Compiling for Android → Shipping and running the game on my phone.

Another thing I noticed is that if I remove the background layer, which is just the flat teal, the artifacts still show but only where the darker brown objects are (eg: the platforms, vines, so on). The defects are in the same locations where they’re shown with the background.

There’s another issue which I doubt is related but just to be thorough: about half the time I exit my game using the home button on my phone my phones wallpaper disappears and often I can’t relaunch the game without dumping my phones memory(force kill all apps) or restarting the phone.

Thank you for testing the requested instructions and for the thorough response.

Would you happen to be able to reproduce this in a blank project with a new tilemap asset? Take your time with this step, as I will be running the same test on my end. I would like to determine whether this is project specific, or if it is universal with all Paper 2D projects.

A few more questions:

  • Is this issue apparent when you Play in the Editor viewport using the Mobile Previewer?

  • Have you set up your project’s associated Targeted Hardware within the ‘Project Settings’?

  • How many, or which assets in particular, are using translucency?

If you have some steps for me to add during my own testing of this issue that you feel could help reproduce what you are seeing, please let me know.

Thank you,


I made a brand new project and the problem is still occurring. I took the following steps:

  • Made new project with no starter content in 4.9 (desktop project)
  • Added Paper2D Tilemap and Paper2D Tileset
  • Imported Texture for Tileset, set Tileset and made a small Tilemap
  • Made a blueprint with a camera on a springarm using orthographic view. Unchecked Do Collision Test.
  • Clicked Play, the problem still persisted.

I then made the changes you suggested:

  • Set Targeted Hardware to mobile (my original project was already in this setting).
  • Changed previewer to Mobile.
  • Preview wouldn’t load. I just got a gray rectangle image saying “MyProject” and then the preview would never progress past that. See uploaded image.
  • Changed previewer to Selected Viewport and begin playing. Preview loaded but with same artifact problem.

My project currently has about 10 sprites loaded, and one tilemap. Only three of those sprites use transparency.

Here is the new project I made to test the problem:

Loading Window.


Would you provide me with the mobile device you are using so I can test this on my end?

I am assuming you are getting this window upon load because you have not yet specified the level/map you wish to load when launching the game.


I fixed the mobile preview issue. I was not aware you had to have your phone plugged in while performing test in mobile preview.

The issue persist in normal and mobile preview though. Running the game independently, on phone, or in editor makes no difference.

But if you still need my phone model it’s the newest Moto X (2014 2nd Gen).

Hey Distul,

Thank you for the extra bit of information. I was able to reproduce and can confirm what you are reporting. I have gone ahead and entered a bug for this issue, UE-20468. Updates to this issue will be provided in the Release Notes of either the preview or the official release. These can be found on the Forums or the full release notes can be found in our Documentation.

It is not the most optimal workaround, but I noticed if you play in Perspective view mode with the camera set up correctly, the issue (tile grid) is not visible. It is only until you get extremely close can you see the gridlines. I do know this is not the best option, but it is a solution for the time being.

Let me know if you need further assistance.

Thank you,

The grid won’t severely impact my project so I can definitely just wait for a patch. Thanks for the follow up.

Hey Distul,

I just wanted to check back with you as to the status of the bug. It was returned as not a bug, and fortunately there is a quick fix for the issue.

What you are seeing is an artifact of texture filtering, and can be fixed by using the “Condition Tile Sheet Texture” menu option on the tile set in the content browser.


That’s great, thank you!

((Condition Tile Sheet Texture)) where i can find it i look for it but nothing is there

Right click on the tile set texture you used to make the tile map

‘Condition Tile Sheet Texture’ is a useless feature which fixes nothing, and I have been searching for literally hours trying to find a solution to Tilesets flickering when the camera moves, but I seem to be the only person who can’t just magically solve everything with this stupid button. I would appreciate a fix that actually works, thanks.