In PIE mode all looks fine, but when I pack my game, some graphics are messed up.
The first picture shows a button. The button has all 4 graphic elements set (normal, hover, clicked and disabled) and looks fine. However when I hit the tab key and the button gets the focus this way, it looks like this:

When tabbing in PIE mode the button gets a dotted frame as it should have.
Another error is in game with sliders and checkmarks. These also look fine in PIE mode but when packing they look like this:

This without tabbing, they just look like this all the time. I assume that I have to force some engine graphics to be included in shipping but which? I don’t want to just force the whole engine standard pack to be included
Hello ,
I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
- Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
- If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
- Could you provide screen shots of any setting/blueprints/widgets that may be involved?
I have a seperae machine on which I build shipping builds since I need to use the source code version of UE just to set the “print logfiles in shipping” flag. The error did not occur when I packed on another machine with the binary build, so I reinstalled the complete source code version again and it seems to work there now.
I don’t know what went wrong but now it seems fixed
I have happy to hear that your issue has been resolved. I will be marking your last comment as an answer. If the issue returns please feel free to reopen this issue with any additional information that you may have.
Make it a great day