Graph is not editable

I’m trying to use an anim notify state but none of the overrides are working. Honestly none of the overrides do anything it just says graph is not “editable” specifically what I’m working on is Received_NotifyTick. Whenever I click on it I’m not sent to the graph and it just tells me it’s not editable. I’ve been looking everywhere on Google and YouTube and it’s like I’m the only one with this problem :sob:. Am I missing something because every tutorial I’ve seen as soon as they create the override it takes them to a graph

Greetings @Theccozy1

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forum. I see that you’re having trouble with a graph not being editable? Could you provide some additional detail? I’d be happy to take a look! Thanks.

Hey thanks I fixed it but I’ll leave this here in case anyone else has this problem. essential for some reason the Anim_Notify State was created with the details panel over taking the entire page hiding the graph from me. all I had to do was either click “Default editor layout” or just pull the details panel back and the graph will appear.

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