I’m getting the following when I attempt to save a couple UI Widget blueprints:
Can’t save
Graph is linked to object(s) in
external map. External Object(s):
/Engine/Transient Try to find the
chain of references to that object
(may take some time)?
This is specifically occurring in 2 UI Widget blueprints that contain “user controls”. When I delete those controls, I can save. When I re-add them, I can save. It seems that somehow having them present can result in this /Engine/Transient issue.
Any help would be appreciated. Thankfully it’s not a show stopper, since I can delete pieces & recreate them, but having this break constantly is definitely worrying.
It’s what’s known as a GLEO error. It means somewhere we crossed the streams and stored a reference to some external object that’s not part of the package being saved. Should be better in 4.5 the Widget Blueprints inside Widget Blueprints code wasn’t exactly rock solid for 4.4. If you happen to find a reproducible case that would be awesome.
I have one, but it’s part of a giant nest of other objects & content, and we’re working on a branched version of the engine & doing integrations every couple releases, so I’m not sure how viable or useful it would be for me to zip up our entire game & send it along.
If you still think it would be useful, I’d rather talk specifics less publicly, as we’re not announced yet & aren’t ready to share content in a public setting.
I’m simply trying to reference a custom event that’s inside the level blueprint from within a widget blueprint. Only have this issue when trying to reference the level blueprint - other blueprints work fine.
I have the same problem on UE 4.6.1. When I place widget blueprint inside another widget blueprint and next create widget in blueprint I have above error when I reference to this created widget for example play animation…
Can’t save E:/Biblioteka/Dokumenty/Unreal Projects/gameDNAstudio/TheTaleOfThreeMobile/Content/GUI/Widgets/Game/Game.uasset: Graph is linked to private object(s) in an external package.
External Object(s):
Try to find the chain of references to that object (may take some time)?
I was unable to reproduce the issue you described above. Could you please provide more information? The following questions will help us narrow down the issue that you are having.
The steps I took to reproduce the issue:
Created a new widget (Widget A)
Added a button to Widget A
Created a new widget (Widget B
Add a button to Widget B
Add a copy of Widget B to Widget A via the User created section
Created a custom event (PrintIt) in Widget A
Opened Widget B
Added an on click event for Widget B’s button
Set up the click event in Widget B to call Widget A’s custom event (PrintIt)
Compiled and Saved
Quick questions:
Can you provide screen shots of the blueprints that you are having issues with?
Can you reproduce this in a clean project?
Can you please provide detailed steps for reproduction?
Can you point out what I may have done differently in the steps above?
I was able to reproduce this issue with 4.6.1. In more than one way. I’ve already tested one.
I had two widgets. One contained a Horizontal Container that contained several borders. In each border I placed my second widget which consisted of two nested overlays, the bottom most containing an image and the top containing text.
What I did to break them, was to cast to my player controller and set a variable. My primary widget was passing a variable to the second widget, that was in turn passing a variable to the controller.
When I recreated, every time I tried to add in casting to other BP’s it caused this issue.
Your issue appears to be circular dependency. The developers are working on making blueprints less ridged when it comes to circular dependencies. However, circular references are not recommended and should be circumvented if possible.
Chiming in here to mention that I have the same issue with a BlueprintLibrary I’ve created to handle GlobalUI functions. I’ve included details below:
Can't save ../../../../UCP/Content/Blueprints/FunctionLibraries/UI/BP_FunctionLibrary_UIFunctions.uasset: Graph is linked to private object(s) in an external package.
External Object(s):
Try to find the chain of references to that object (may take some time)?
The asset '/Game/Blueprints/FunctionLibraries/UI/BP_FunctionLibrary_UIFunctions' (BP_FunctionLibrary_UIFunctions.uasset) failed to save.
Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.
There are a few reports in our system that are similar to this one. I would suggest creating new thread with answers to the questions included below. Without additional information there is no way to tell what issue it is exactly that you are experiencing. After creating a new thread you can post a link here in a reply and I will be more than happy to assist you further.
Quick questions:
What version of the engine are you using?
Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
Was this project upgraded from an older version of the engine?
If so what was the exact process used (clone and convert in place, Open a copy, just convert in place, ect.)?