Hello. I have this blueprint in which I set the movement speed. but I need it to speed up gradually. Can anybody help me please
Hello. I have this blueprint in which I set the movement speed. but I need it to speed up gradually. Can anybody help me please
Hey @TostOn123! Welcome to the community!
Can I ask: Is this a pawn? A character? Just an object? What are we looking at here?
Because Pawns and characters have a movement component just for them, that will house the Max Speed and Max Acceleration variables.
Hello, Thank you for the welcoming!
my project is an Endless Runner and I’m using this blueprint for the scrolling component in all the platforms that comes towards the Pawn. But i can’t make them to gradually increase Speed.
Okay! So we’re going to need to add to your Movement speed every so often. Instead of putting these things on tick, let’s offload the ORIGINAL speed to the Begin Play.
Then, on tick, we’ll update the speed by ADDING to the current speed.
Obviously this isn’t the entire solution for you specifically, but the important part to note is: Take your CURRENT movespeed, add to it, set it again.
thank you so much!! i’ll test it and let you know
OMG!! Thank you very much. It ended up looking like this (with a clamp in place) and it works just the way I want it to, now I can set a min and max speed. I am very grateful!
@TostOn123 You’re so very welcome!
Keep in mind if you have a problem, you can always come and ask! Maybe you could even go around and help some other folks, too!
Shure I will!!