I’m honestly not sure where to begin. I’m working on a GPU particle system that reacts to music. Today, I decided to publish my application and associated custom plugin for a test run. I ran it on my DK1 and this is what I got. How can I fix this?
NM solved it myself.
looks like someone at epic hardcoded the GPU particle limits in ParticleGpuSimulation.cpp
its set to 1024 * 1024.
( look for GParticleSimulationTextureSizeX and Y respectively)
in VR mode, it seems each eye consumes from this max limit. so instead of 1 million particles, you have half that limit.
to get back up to 1 million particles, you need to change the values to 2048 or 4096 if you think your machine can handle it. then rebuild your engine.
I know my target audience will have 2048+ texture support so I hard coded it up for now.
I would like to request epic make this upper limit configurable.
The particle state textures are managed per-scene, not per-view, so I wouldn’t expect the limit to be halved in stereo.
I setup a simple test map and tried running with -emulatestereo and there was no difference in # of particles between stereo and non-stereo. Can you try again with 4.5?
Your idea to make the limit configurable via project settings is a good one though!
I was messing around with the starter content “P_Explosion” particle and I got rid of everything but smoke and sparks to simulate bullets hitting a wall. If I repeatedly spawn it in VR one eye has a ton of sparks while the other only has 2 or 3. If you spawn a bunch of the explosion with only the sparks turned on you should see the same thing. Makes it look very weird in VR.
I’m getting this using the NVIDIA 4.14 fork, was there any solution?
This was a bug local to the the NVIDIA fork, which was fixed by them in the lastest 4.14 branch