I’m having trouble attaching my zipped version of your test project, but basically I put an acceleration on the particles of -980 in the Z direction to simulate gravity. 95% of them go through on the first bounce, and about 100% on the second bounce. Take away the normal map and they bounce or slide over the surface until they expire.
Thank you for the additional information. That’s what I needed to get the reproduction. I have entered a bug report as UE-17338. I will keep you informed as we investigate a solution to this issue.
As we investigated this issue, it was pointed out that Scene Depth Collision uses per-pixel normals for collision so changing the normals should change the collision behavior, but in your example and in the original test project multiplying normals by a factor of 10 (very large factor) and then normalizing it likely pushes the normal towards values tangent to the real surface which means when the plane is reconstructed for GPU collision using the normal the two geometries will no longer match each other and you will get this type of behavior.
The functioning of the Scene Depth Collision is working as intended and as designed.
Not directly the Scene Depth Collision uses the Z Buffer and short of coding the normal out of the Buffer it is not possible in 4.8. IN 4.9, you will be able to use Mesh Distance Fields for GPU Collisions which will ignore Normals.