GPU Light-mass test

Hello everyone, here is a scene from while back i finally made video for to showcase GPU light-mass results. It took 45 minutes to render on a TITAN X, if you have any questions about it i would be glad to answer.

I like it. Respectable work you did. Thumbs up for it.

Really nice, but linear movement of camera would be much better :slight_smile:

Great job the only small issue is the random contact shadow missing in some objects other then that woow

Wish the video was at 30/60 FPS, the slow pans look choppy.

how you unwrap flowers with too many polygons ?
with witch method ?

It will be a Datasmith import no doubt, so unwrapping them isn’t really a problem.


Thank you.

Thanks! Unfortunately that is a setting in the ini file i didn’t know about till recently that fixes that issue that sometimes occurs.

Unfortunately used a wrong setting in Sony Vegas and didn’t really notice until after uploading it.

I didn’t unwrap the flowers they are from Evermotion scenes you can find on the Evermotion website store that are already unwrapped for you and the exterior trees are movable with no light-map or unwrapping.
