GPU Crashes on UE5.1


My UE5.1 started crashing persistently all of a sudden. I am getting the infamous “GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed” crash approx every 15 min when running the editor in Lit mode. When using Unlit this does not occur, it seems.

I am running on RTX4090 so out-of-memory should not be an issue. My project has been fairly stable previously. This started yesterday basically out of nowhere.

Now I wonder could this be an issue related to an OS update (Windows11)? I cannot get my head around the logs. Running on latest NVIDIA driver of course.

Previous discussions on similar issues suggest a revert to DX11 but that is not possible for me since my project relies heavily on DX12.

Any suggestions? Is there a beginner-friendly way to audit my project to see if there is something in it that causes these crashes?

I can think of two things offhand to check without knowing your specific details, because I found myself struggling with both issues recently.

Did the video card driver update recently?
It could be better to use the previous drivers. If there was a recent update, it could be a problem with the latest driver causing you issues. If you can rollback and see if that helps, it might save some headaches.

Were there any hardware changes around the same time?
I recently installed 128g of memory and the bios detected the memory as 4800mhz when it was actually 5600mhz. It rough tracking that down but once I found the memory was set incorrectly it hasn’t crashed since.

Those are the two most recent causes of headaches, so they’re at the top of my mind. If these don’t help it might be worth looking in the crashes folder and seeing if there’s anything helpful in the dumps or logs just before the crash.

I think that might at least limit the number of video related issues you are looking at.

Good luck!

Thanks for the tips! Unfortunately neither of the two applies to me that I could tell: I in fact updated my video card driver after the crashing started in hope for it to solve this. And neither have I, that I know of, made any hardware changes. Is it possible that Windows has made some updates or changes “under the hood” without me knowing about it?

Its possible, but hard to say.

You might check the logs just before the crash.

Find them following these steps:

  • Open the project root folder in explorer
  • Navigate down to: Saved\Crashes
  • Look for the most recent folder

Inside there will be two (potentially) helpful files, project_name.log and UEMinidump.dmp

The log file is going to be something that is human readable, so it might have information that could help.

The dmp file is something you can explore in visual studio if you are experienced with c++. Otherwise if you just double click it (and have VS installed) you will get a window with some information.

The most helpful bit, if you’re not a c++ developer would probably be the Exception Code and maybe Exception Information if it exists:

With this you might be able to search the Unreal Engine 5.0 Exception Code ### and find something helpful.

These things can be a struggle, so I hope you find an answer fast! Good luck!

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