Goto Definition broken in 4.25

UE-51608 claims to be fix, but seems like it isn’t.

Hi, I’m having this issue: Incorrect "Goto Definition" behavior in BP for native (C++) functions - Pipeline & Plugins - Unreal Engine Forums

Which links to UE-51608, which claims to be fixed.

I see the same UE code and alleged bug as reported in 2017. What’s up with this?

I can reproduce this issue:

  1. Download 4.25 w/ source option from Epic Launcher (D:/Epic Games/UE_4.25/)
  2. Create VR Blueprint template
  3. Make some C++ classes
  4. Open BP_MotionController
  5. Event RumbleController. Get Player Controller → Right-click → Goto Definition.

Editor message, then opens new VS window:

Reading C++ Symbols

Could not find code file, D:\Build++UE4_Licensee\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\GameplayStatics.cpp

Making a symlink opens the file in a new VS instance

mklink /D “D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Source” “D:\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Source”

super annoying to see the same bug come back bunch of times. Hope this gets fixed soon

same problem with 4.25.3