Gothic Knight new characters Pack

Hey Unreal folks,
Below some images and video demonstration.
Just finished my new character and waiting for approval from the Marketplace team.
For someone who does not want to wait for 3 weeks I’ve made it available from Gumroad

Follow me on twitter to for more WIP updates and news.

does this mix and match with your other medieval packs? like switching chest pieces/gloves/boots etc.

Hey everyone,
Happy to let you know what asset successfully passed review and now available at Marketplace

A short example VIDEO to demonstrate how this asset can be integrated into
Close Combat: Swordsman project from UE marketplace

Got this in marketplace monthly free content, looks great but unfortunately in ue5 it gets all wonky and broken, at least in my setup.
in retargeter it seems fine, it even looks fine in anim bp preview but when playing, the hands and fingers get disjointed from parent bones. anyone has an idea how to fix it?

doh, never mind, it’s caused by physics asset. fixed by replacing it with one from ue4 mannequin