Got sth. trouble in BP of Third Person Demo Game.

i’m trying to make the third person game mode which is starter pack have, to make it
Press E to play an animation, and i do it well.
But, after play the animation, the mesh stack but other key still work just no animation play.
But if I press E again, the animation will play again and still stuck when animation over.
How can i refresh my skeleton mesh after play the animation to make it just like the nomral game?’
Here are teh BP under.

Hey @Udongein0710!

More than likely it is because you are calling your animation from your blueprint. There would be no way to go back to the previous animation state unless you manually set that up. Instead, I suggest using your animation blueprint so the animation can smoothly transition back after the animation is complete.

Hey @Udongein0710!

Checking in! Was the above the solution you were looking for?

definitely no.
But i found how to solve the problem.
The problem is focus in Actor BP But not Animation BP.

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