Got some problems with Destroy Actor.

Hello people …

I have some bad problems with my Blueprint.

So if I equip an Item it spawns an actor this will get attached to the right hand socket.

An tick function will check if its still equiped if not it should destroy the actor. But it don’t want to get destroyed…

Hope someone can help…

I can’t see what actor this pic is in and the pic’s a smidge small for me to squint my way through each node but I think it’s likely the fact you are attaching to an actor and THAT actor can only destroy the attached actor anymore…Super silly I know…but you’ll likely have to create a function that you call from this actor to tell the Parent actor to destroy the newly attached actor…

there may be other ideas as well (it’s just the first to pop in my head) check around the forums and answerhub to see how everyone else is getting around the attached actor destroy thingy…

Really weird sorry for the small image … So basicly the actor should self destroy? … Ill try that out…

Edit: I finaly resolved it with some tricks.

I made an tick sequence that looks if the item is equipt if not destroy self … ( everything inside the actor that got spawned )
With some debug I know I failed with a bool so basicly everything is fine now:)

Still thanks for help!


The Parent actor has to destroy it…Whatever you are attaching to is the only one that can destroy that actor…(this is all assuming that’s not how it was set up to begin with)…