Any ios shipping build generated with Google VR plugin enabled, came out damaged.
Splash screen start, and then the app close.
It looks somewhat related to Arm64, because developer builds just works fine, and the only difference, apparently, seems that developer builds are ArmV7 enabled by default.
I had similar symptoms when I built my app for Android with third-party plugin enabled. Please check in your project if all unused plugins are disabled.
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I have also provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates. Thank you for your time and information.
I got this problem too. using 4.16.2.
Shipping builds crash after splash.
Build OS version: macOS 10.12.5
Testing device: iPhone6S (iOS 10.3.2)
Why is this issue marked as a duplicate of UE-41244?
I think this problem is more serious than UE-41244 because we can’t publish iOS app using GoogleVR plugin.
So, i hope we’ll get some new information about this bug, and I hope it will become “actual” from “duplicated”…
And yes, there is quite a workaround to publish development and re-signed version, but it is not good anyway.
So if it is VERY important for someone to publish the app “RIGHT NOW!”, there is a working case: make dev. build, turn console by 4-tap off, resign ipa with distribution certificate and load to appstore. But the size will be very big. I made it for my project, because couldn’t wait anymore. For iOS 8 app should be less than 100MB, iOS9 < 400MB, iOS10 <2 or 4GB…
I found, that the crash is somehow related to this iOS system error: “SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter)[212] : HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus”
I made a new post and added crash and runtime logs for details. Maybe it can help.
The log from Xcode tells, that crash connected with this error:
ShippingLog: [186] Jul 6 10:18:55 iPhone-Daniil SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter)[212] : HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
And it appears only with Shipping build and GoogleVR plugin enabled.
And I fully support hirapong: UE-41244 seems to be a different to this issue, especialy, UE-41244 - seems to be solved, because there is no crash with Switch button in UE 4.16.2
Correct, this is a serious bug and was introduced by 4.13, and yes, it is not related UE-41244.
Publishing is indeed possible with a workaround in v4.16.2…as long as it generates, working 64bit development/debug builds, some users managed to rid, moving many ios compiling script settings of the debug version, to the shipping version… but would be better, that shipping builds with Google VR enabled, would not crash.
Manipulation of compiling scripts may lead to unexpected results and probably not properly working .ipa’s
Yes, i’ve read somewhere that users moved ios compiling debug script settings, to the shipping script to get working ipa’s with GoogVR enabled.
Development/Debug builds works quite well for testing, but they are not good for publish for a series of reason, including a different management of the provisioning that generates upload errors in the Application Loader, and last not least, presence of some Unreal tools and libraries for console command and debug purpose, but also the console command itself.
Development builds have several cooking compression disabled, you may turn them on manually, and solve the size problems. Indeed, publishing development builds it is not yet the right solution, so we should push the team to fix this issue…