Hi, how do you complete this step for setting up Google Play Services for leaderboards, ’ Add the Play Games Services SDK to your production APK to use the APIs’ in Google Play Console? I already have a published game on Playstore and I wan’t to add leaderboards, I have no idea how to setup sdk using Android Studio?
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Hi im having the same issue have anyone found the answer yet?
Guys, I am Having the game problem expect that I want to add ADs in my game and I found out that you need to again Add the Play Games Services SDK to your production APK to use the APIs and I do not know how to do that with UE4 I need help.
My game:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TechBross.Cuboid
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Same question. Anyone help guide us through this problem?
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you dont need to do this in order to display ads, but also I am having same issue