Google Play Console - Warning, SDK-Version 1.10.0


during my internal testing of my app in the google play console, out of a sudden I get the follwing warning message and I can’t figure out how to fix that?, I’m new to all that android stuff and this makes me stuck…

The developer of Google Play Core ( has added the following note to SDK version 1.10.0:

If your app is targeting SDK 34+ (targetSdkVersion), then the PlayCore SDK is outdated and will likely cause crashes in your app! Please update: Overview of the Google Play Core libraries  |  Android Developers
Sieh dir weitere Informationen zu den SDKs an, die du verwendest, und triff mit dem Google Play SDK Index fundierte SDK-Entscheidungen. Zum SDK Index"

Is there a way to fix that directly in Unreal Engine or at another place, maybe somehow in Andoid Studio?

THX in advance


Having this exact same issue. Anyone with the know-how?

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Me too same issue

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no reply still

I don’t know if this is accurate but it turns out one of the plugins isnt updated and that is GooglePAD. I have no idea how to fix this.

But disabling the plugin will get rid of the warning. If you need to use GooglePAD, I guess you might be out of luck unless someone else can contribute a solution

Got mail today about this warning. Looking forward for any contributions to this issue

Maybe Newer version of unreal will have updated Plugin and it will Fix this issue too

Hi , I have solved this issue.

SDK issues in your latest production release 49 (1.0)

Jul 6, 2024 12:53

    Google Play Core ( has added this note for SDK version 1.10.0:

This is caused because of googleplaycore.tasks library.

Goto YourDrive\EpicGames\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\GooglePAD*GooglePAD_APL.xml*

In this you will find … Just remove this from to .

After this comment out; import;

In your project directory add .xml to include these for working of Google PAD.

		dependencies {
		implementation ''
		implementation "androidx.fragment:fragment:1.2.0"
		<!-- Added new here-->
		implementation ''
		implementation ''
		implementation ''
		implementation ''

After this build your project. You are Good To Go…

Thanks. Hope it helps some one.


Hi, can you detail a little bit more your solution?

It seems that some parts of your message are missing.

From what to what exactly?

Which .xml? The one in intermediate is overwritten on build, so which one are you talking about?



Hi, You will find or 1.10.3 version based on your config < line . You need to remove the total INSERT block from GooglePAD_APL.xml.

Regarding second question. You need to create a xml file in Your Project. For adding this you need to have a C++ project. If you are using a Blueprint project… just add a new c++ class from TOOLS which generates source folder. In source folder create a new .xml file and name it as something like…
AndroidPermission_UPL.xml , I think _UPL is mandatory not sure. You need to add these lines in this file. You need to update your build.cs file to include this newly created file.
If you’re not sure on how to create file and what to insert. Let me know.
In the above xml have include fragment library because it was showing warnings for me ,when I upload on Play Console. You can remove this if you are not facing any issue. Maybe adding unwanted library increases size of application.


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Did exact steps you described, but not working , could you please attach entire modified GooglePAD_APL.xml file and other xml file(AndroidPermission_UPL.xml ) and also tell its exact location in project?

Hi, Can you share your GooglePAD_APL.xml file?.


in this you need to create AndroidPermission_UPL.xml file. You need to include it in the

YourProjectName.Build.cs. To include you need to add these lines in Build.cs

using System.IO;

	if(Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
        PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "OnlineSubsystem" ,"OnlineSubsystemUtils"});
       // DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay");
		var androidRemovePermissions = Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "AndroidRemovePermissions_UPL.xml");
        AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt.Add("AndroidPlugin", androidRemovePermissions);

If you are using OnlineSubsystem … add these PrivateDependencyModuleNames.



Resolved with Imgur: The magic of the Internet


And after edit that file you need to rebuild the engine?

Hi guys,
it seems to me that I am too stupid, After all these explanations I still don’t get it.
Can anyone be please so kind to provide ready fixed files that I can download and paste.

thanks in adavnce

Hey, thanks for the information posted here…

What’s your targetSDK 33 or 34?
Because, I’ve have app crashing after having all these changes with targetSDK 34. But not on targetSDK 33.

P.S: I’m on UE 5.3.2

The app crash issue is resolved with targetSDK 34. The details are at Android 14, SDK 34, Black screen on startup - #10 by Rush_At_Games

I’m not sure how this works though, the play.core apis are still being used by GooglePAD plugin after these changes. However, the implementation of play.core is not included in the deps.

Clean way is to disable the GooglePAD plugin, if not required at all for your game. I chose this approach.

Got this error after making changes ue5.3.2

[2024.09.19-10.45.44:380][781]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-asset-delivery-2.2.2-runtime ( and jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:380][781]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-asset-delivery-2.2.2-runtime ( and jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:380][781]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:380][781]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-asset-delivery-2.2.2-runtime ( and jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:380][781]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-asset-delivery-2.2.2-runtime ( and jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:380][781]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): You can use ‘–warning-mode all’ to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:380][781]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): See Command-Line Interface
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-asset-delivery-2.2.2-runtime ( and jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-asset-delivery-2.2.2-runtime ( and jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): 39 actionable tasks: 39 executed
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime ( and jetified-core-common-2.0.3-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime ( and jetified-core-common-2.0.3-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime ( and jetified-core-common-2.0.3-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Duplicate class found in modules jetified-core-1.8.0-runtime ( and jetified-core-common-2.0.3-runtime (
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)):
[2024.09.19-10.45.44:390][782]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Go to the documentation to learn how to Fix dependency resolution errors.

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Hey, I am having the same issue too, did you manage to resolve it on your end? Thanks!