Google Play Cloud Saving


As far as I know, this is not done by default in the AndroidOnlineSubsystem.

Does someone succeed into implementation GP Cloud saving?
What is the process to get this done?


The process would be to implement yourself in the engine code using the google documentation

or using a plugin such as this one:
which uses firebase (google) cloud saving. I purchased this plugin and it has great blueprint support making it easy to implement this stuff :slight_smile:

GameDna plugin are great. there is another plug-in for this also.

I though UE4 current implementation of online system should have help as there as some FileSaving function in the interface.
I’m not too familiar yet with API loading in java, java coding & JNI /C++ call and the documentation on this is pretty poor :frowning:

Thanks for the update.

Any Idea why IOS had been setup for Cloud Saving by Epic and not Android?