Google Play - can login in published version, can't login in development


I have the game, had no issues integrating online platforms before, but have some issues with Google Play.
When I deploy locally cooked build from the PC It’s failing to login to google play, like on that video:

Dragonberg Failed Login Google Play - YouTube - failed login example

When I upload exactly the same version to the Google Play login is successful

Dragonberg Successful Login Google Play - YouTube - successful login example

Question is how to get the same behavior from manually deployed from a PC version, ideally from Development build?
How to test Scoreboard feature for instance without reuploading your version into the google play for each iteration?

Seems people here have the opposite issue:

What possibly could be broken in my case?

Sanity check:

Google Play:

Google Cloud Platform:

From here, I can assume that I did something wrong setting up OAuth keys:

But I don’t understand what. Should I register a second app? Or should I register second Key (or third token?) for debug version of an app? Will read it more thoroughly, but that part is really confusing.

Thank you in advance and take care.

Fropm here:

You will probably want to test Google Play functionality with both debug and distribution builds. To do this you link another app from the Developer Console, using the same package name you used the first time, but if you used the debug fingerprint before, use the distribution fingerprint this time, and vice-versa. Make sure you go through the “Link another app” button to do this. If you add the second client ID directly from the Google API console, it won’t work with Google Play services.

Should I literally publish the second app, but using provided debug.keystore from my user folder?

I’ve tried to deploy the version with unchecked “For Distribution” checkbox. But had the same behavior. Obviously I can’t upload that game to the market, because apparently it’s is using “debug.keystore”
Question is still the same how to use Google Play service in development build?

For those who would ask for some logging, here is login logs from the moment I show External Login UI to the moment it fails

link text

Okay, I was playing around more and accidentally found solution.

Wondering why that information was not published in that way.

I assume you did steps and created your application in google play console, and created corresponding project in Google Cloud Platform.

Goal is to add your debug key credentials to your Google Cloud Platform - that simple.

Retrieving your SHA key:

  1. Remove “For Distribution” checkbox from you project settings - that will use your debug android keystore
  2. Locate your debug android keystore in “C:\Users\\debug.keystore”
  3. Get your SHA-1 fingerprint from it using command keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore -list -v (password is “android” without the quotes)

Adding it to your Google Cloud Platform

  1. Create new OAuth client ID for your application

  2. Select Android

  3. Paste your debug SHA-1 key into it

  4. You are awesome (and now you can login with your debug key into your published app)