I was just wondering if i get a scan of the whole of Asia from from Portugal west to the Bering sea East, and from Kara Sea Nth Russia to Laccadive tip of india, will that fit in UE4. Around about 44,391,162 square kms. Will that fit on the Landscape graph?
With Level-Streaming, everything can theoretically fit. But the question is more like: Why the heck would you wanna do this? Also, the height maps will be gigantic in size.
If you’re trying to do something like a worldmap, I suggest you scale everything down.
well i know the hight maps will be gigantic, i thought that was what UE4 was trying to strive for, the only thing with maps that huge the number of NPC, also imagine how ultimately how colossal a barrow would be it would be insane with the amount of Draugers, it was only an idea.
I suppose instead of 10,000 kms across from west coast to east coast, reduce it down to 1,000km, well star citizen was massive.
Don’t do that
what do you mean don’t do that, i thought it be okay to fit Asia, some one say to big now its to small, wouldn’t want to remaster Skyrim that was a complete Bethesda waist of time created on a frankinstien game engine, UE4 would run rings around Bethesda, and how does Bethesda thinking that Skyrim is what Tamriel looks like yeah thats right didn’t you know Bethesda went to NASA and flew a space ship to Tamriel i don’t think so and if their was a planet Nirn Tamriel would look like the size of Asia no one knows what Skyrim looks like, im only trying to come up with a completely different look, using UE4 to do it better, that is why i thought about size of Asia without Australia, no one even though about Skyrim 2018AD. Big small gigantic i don’t know the grid map limit who knows UE4 might go 10 trillion quads x 10 trillion quads, i trying to ask that no one on hear knows well looks like im in for a big surprise i find out myself, i try to enter 10,000,000,000,000 by 10,000,000,000,000 in the section where enter the number of quads, it must be a well kept secret, sssh don’t tell him there alright, im going to use it for myself, they must be all robots.
What. The. Hell.
I aborted reading this after the second line, since there’s no punctuation. As pointed out: Trying to do this won’t work. The DEM image for earth is 20000x16000px. While it sounds big, its actually very small and the landscape resolution would suffer greatly. May I ask what you even want with this?
You don’t know what you’re doing, while UE4 can certainly be used to make something that looks better than Skyrim does, you personally are not capable of doing so, it took millions of dollars to make Skyrim and you are just one person without any experience. You don’t know what issues arise when trying to make a large map. Also consider, what is the point of making a large map? If you can’t fill it with interesting things then there’s no point. When you make a smaller map you can spend more time making interesting places and paying particular attention to details.
Thank you for your time clarifing that, you are dead right i could not possibility create such a massive size map, it would feel like taking an eternity to create a game, and it would boring game, well im not superman, it was an idea at the time if i did try to attempt it i be 100 years old and also my computer would probably explode due to lake of memory, i am so sorry for coming up with such a boring idea.