Google maps to level layout


I’m wondering if anyone has come across an application where some streets or rivers of a Googlemap to be conveniently imported to an Unreal Engine Level

I’m hoping this would give me a better precision for the initial layout of a virtual world I’m trying to build

Suggestions to other similar virtual-world applications that try to replicate parts of the real world would also be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Just last week Google Maps released official support for the Cesium plugin. Read more about how to use it. You will need an API key after creating a Google Cloud account. At the time of launch the API has no cost, but that may change in the future.

Thanks for the prompt pointer

My first attempt went rather smooth. Cesium document is very straight forward and easy
to understand.

Only one hick-up that I encountered was with one coordinate 10.774337381951709, 106.70369136789962. It gave me a black screen. Please see attached.

I wonder if the city is not part of the support list?


BTW, other coordinates that I tried worked fine.

Google’s 3D Tiles are in a limited experimental mode, and also have a daily cap on how many queries you can make to the API. I find that it’s pretty easy to exceed that quota and have streaming stop for the day.

Not sure if I am having a related issue, but when moving on from the Cesium Quickstart tutorial to the Add Dataset, I no longer could open the Cesium Panel.

I tried to re-install the plugin in via Cesium market place, it failed stating the Plugin already installed.

Should I remove the plugin and try everything fresh? if so how? Thanks

No worries, I found it in window->Cesium

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