Google Maps API & Cesium UE Plugin - Can we store a city locally?

Ok, so I followed the below Utube video to use Google Maps API, the video is very easy to follow and everything worked perfect.
I can enter Latitude\Longitude coords and get to any city, etc.
However, the city data is continually being pulled from the net, obviously Google.

I’d like to store a city locally and then try and improve all the meshes textures for an app I want to develop. I’m sure others would like to achieve this too!

Unreal Engine 5 - Google Maps API & Cesium - Full tutorial


Hi there,
I was looking for the same and I found your post :slight_smile:
Did you manage to locally store data pulled from big brother?

Sorry for delay in responding mate (didn’t have notifications on!) - but no, I haven’t investigated this further, been busy with other things.
I had a look around NY in Google Earth VR, the buildings are quite detailed…
I think it would take some coding to ‘pinch’ the data once streamed in UE, and of course there would likely be Google copyright to consider.

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