Good morning. My topic is the following. A version of an already published island was submitted (Update), and was rejected by 1.17 - Copyright - The content of your creative island.

Good morning.
My topic is the following.
A version of an already published island was submitted (Update), and was rejected by 1.17 - Copyright - The content of your creative island.
This reason was applied in another previous version, and this one was corrected.
In the correct updated version, and published, some minimal changes were made and they returned the rejection 1.17. The sanction appeal has not been removed. All the content there is is my own, there is nothing copyrighted. Can someone explain what the file/reason for the rejection is, since there is nothing that I know of that is related to the 1.17 content on my island, to be sent again and not rejected? Any strange files you don’t see?
The island code is - 5311-2861-3628

Try looking for the rejection in the creator portal it might contain the asset name if you see the rejection from there

No, I know that sometimes it says it but this time it doesn’t tell me anything. If they are sounds, objects… Nothing, they don’t tell me anything.

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