has somebody an idea, or can somebody tell me, what the best way is, to have best fps and good lightning, like in the shootergame example? I don’t know, how to use lights, with good fps. In the shooter game example in the Learn do I have 100 fps. In my game I have only 20-35fps… What is the best way to make light, with moust performace/fps?
There are number of things you can do to optimize your project for better lighting. If you bring up your console command prompt by pressing the " `/~" key and enter command " profilegpu, " the editor will bring up a screen capture of all of your processes. This will profile where your memory is allocated and how much is being assigned to that process.
In this profile is a section dedicated to lighting. In that section you can see what specifically about your lights is taking up your GPU memory.
After profiling your GPU and finding where most of your processes with your lights are occurring please post again with the results. Also, you may want to switch your lighting to movable. Movable lights update every frame. This is a more accurate lighting calculation than that of a baked lighting which is built only once. Depending on your project size Dynamic lighting is less expensive than a large lightmass being drawn.
I am linking you to our documentation on lighting an environment. In this section it covers many lighting techniques and how they can be used in an efficient and optimized way.
I am also linking you to a lighting troubleshooting guide which covers common issues that you can run into when lighting.
So, most of your calculations are taken up within the “Render Velocities” section. These calculations are dedicated to the values you have set to Motion Blur. You can control a size threshold that goes into it but doing so make the Temporal AA look funny.
You can try to lower this value and this should lower the (ms) dedicated tot his section of the profile. If you roll out the tab for lights I will see under that section what is taking up the most calculations.
And how can I control them exactly? I’m not a beginner in unreal engine, but I don’t know, what you exactly mean how I can fix these. I watched a little bit the light section, there are the lights listed, which were close to the camera. But I can post the light tab.
The biggest difference you will see is from enabling or disabling certain features on your lights. Turning off shadows on some lights that you don’t need them on can improve performance. The distance at which you have shadows cast or whether or not they are dynamic or stationary. All of these things will influence the draw on your GPU.
When optimizing it’s always a balancing act. Certain things may look better but are more performance intense. The sharpness of shadows is a good example of this.
For simply drawing lights to your viewport there shouldn’t be a discrepancy in FPS. Each will have the same draw call when rendered on screen. If you have values like blinking lights and other such variables associated with your lights through Blueprints then you will see lower FPS.
So, this is the light tab. Maybe this kan help you to give me more tips.
Can you say, where I have to change the Values, you mean with for example the blur .
2.) You can disable it completely form your project by going to Project Settings > Rendering > Default Post Processing and unchecking the box for Motion Blur.
Yes, this works. Thanks. I have still not 100 fps, but it is really better. I have a last understanding question, because I didn`t understand. Is it better, if “moveable” turned on or off?