Good Beginner tips.

I’m a month or two into learning and using Unreal 4 and I’m just looking for other peoples beginner tips, and sharing a few of mine that have been helping me out a bunch. Interested to hear what you guys have to say. From my short time with Unreal I have these few tips to offer.

Take Notes.
I, like many beginning developers watch a lot of tutorials online, one thing that I have found helps me retain that info is to take notes and write down important points, even if I don’t look at my notes, just the act of writing it down helps me remember, a txt or word file could also serve the same purpose, I just like the feeling of putting ink to paper, plus I can make little doodles.

Print String is your friend.
The Print String node has helped me out so many times. I’ve been working on a Paper 2D game and was having issues with projectiles hitting what I thought were glitches with the Paper2D engine, put a hit event with a print string in my projectile Blueprint, and realized I was hitting the Player Character, which I had made invisible because this is an Angry Birds style game, so you’re not really controlling a player in the traditional sense. I’ve used it to figure out touch values that I needed, and countless other things, often times as simple as seeing if an event is executing properly.

Keep your BluePrints organized.
It makes everything so much easier, and it’s a good habit to get into, and one I am actively trying to improve. It also makes it easier to get help, when you can post a picture of an organized BluePrint, instead of a mess of wires and nodes going everywhere.

Analyze games that you play or have played.
While you’re waiting for the next match of Battlefield 1 to start, ask some questions.
How would I go about implementing a damage system in a vehicle that would effect handling? How would I set up a progression system?
When I play video games, which is quite a bit less since I’ve started to try and make them, I’m always trying to think about what’s going on behind the scenes, and how I could go about doing something similar. I find this to be great exercise, as turning ideas into something that someone can play and hopefully enjoy, is a lot easier if I can break it down into all the different little systems I have to set up, and that for me is easier if I can look at a game and kind of guess how they would have set it up.

That’s all the good beginner tips I can think of, seeing as how I’m definitely a beginner, but I am looking forward to hearing what others have to say.

Communicate with yourself, especially if you’re the only person working on the project.
Also using macros/functions have helped me a ton
Aaand don’t try to fix a problem by creating more problems

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When using print nodes in BP for debugging it can be a good idea to disable print to console so you don’t waste memory (or crash) when you need to open the output log.

You can remove the grid in material/BP editors in Editor Preferences - Appearance. This makes the background look a lot cleaner and just looks better to me.

You can make the bezier curves of material/BP wires straight in Editor Preferences - Graph Editors by setting the values to 0. For me it’s a lot clearer where wires are going when they are completely straight. Especially when using reroute nodes.

You can create multiple event graphs to further separate logic instead of trying to have everything in one event graph.

Keep it as small as possible, focus on functionalities.

If i do another project I will probably use 1 project just to hold all the assets packages, and another main project where all the actually used assets are contained.

Oh man, I’m always talking to myself, asking myself how I should do something. My wife thinks I’m crazy sometimes, but it’s worth it for me. Can you maybe give examples of something you would collapse into a function or macro? I haven’t really used those yet, but have thought about it for certain things that I’m going to reuse multiple times, like calculating damage on enemies and what not.

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