GONE Racing

Hello Everyone,

I would like to make a racing game called “GONE Racing”.
It will be a retro themed game with the look and feel of 1998-2002 games like Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit and Gran Turismo 2.
This idea has been in my head for a long time now and with Need For Speed World closing down its servers I though I’d look into making my own game.
I did some research on game engines and though this one would probably do nicely, I am also a big fan of Unreal Tournament.

Since I have no experience with this engine I will be writing down my ideas here hoping more experienced users can tell me more about whether or not they are possible.
I am a 2d/texture artist and know nothing about programming and very little about 3d modelling, so I will need a lot of help with this project.
If you are interested in making a retro style racing game, please contact me.

Back story:
Gone Racing takes place on a fictional island nation, the inhabitants of which are completely obsessed with racing.
To prevent illegal street racing the government set up an amateur racing league, where beginning racers can enter in their own cars and race on selected roads.
You are new on the island and with some life savings you buy a car to enter this racing league with the intention of becoming #1.

This game will focus more on cheaper cars and customisation instead of the expensive race cars in most other games.
This will not be a driving simulator, it will feature the most realistic feel possible with minimum physics and keeping it controllable with keyboard.

Why the retro theme?
First of all, retro is very popular at the moment.
Secondly it will be easier to make a lot of content more quickly.
Thirdly it will allow the game to run on less powerful PCs and maybe even mobile devices.

One of the things I would like is lots of customisation.
Players can buy “decal sheets” similar to those found in model car kits and place those on their cars. (full customisable decals could possibly be added but bring with them the possibility for players to create offensive images)
Body parts/ Wheels/rims and performance parts of cars can all be changed.
I have some ideas on how to make a system that will allow people to swap bumpers and other parts between different cars.

Money stuff:
One of the most expensive parts of racing games are the licensing fees, which you have to purchase if you want to add real cars from real manufacturers in your game.
Since I have no money we will be using fictional cars.
If people really want a certain manufacturer in the game, we can simply start a kick starter campaign to raise the money for the license.

Once the game becomes more popular and we get to a releasable demo/beta version we can think about payment for the developers.
Developers will be paid with the money the game earns (Which probably wont be much at first, but you never know it might become the Racing game equivalent of minecraft)

Please feel free to ask any questions.:confused: