Goldeneye 64 UE4. Replicating The N64 Game With A Little Extra

I’ve ripped and converted all the maps. The weapons and objects are easy to get hold of, the characters are easy to rip and rig (still trying to find out if there’s a way to rip animations) but I’m having trouble figuring out where to start on the actual piecing everything together in UE4. Any ideas anyone? Should i try to replicate the action blocks used for Ai in blueprints then just add that to each character?

I was hoping to keep in the same explosion effect.

This always looked more like a coloured pencil to me, than a gun. XD

The original Goldeneye did it’s animation quite different from todays character animation standarts.
They had no skeleton, just the point level animations, which was enough at the time considdering the very low polycount.

If i recall correctly it’s much similar to what quake 1 did back then.

So if you’d want to mimic that correctly, you might want to use morphs only.

Not sure how to get all the animation phases out of the original, since that might require ripping each character with all poses frame by frame.
Frankly i’d just rig the models and animate them on my own.

I’d even say that the guys involved in the chancled XBLA Version redid the animations with a modern skeletal approach.

What are you using for your ripping?

I’ll just leave this here… Real Life Goldeneye 64 - YouTube

Here’s a test video of the original N64 animations & oldskool bone rigging they used in the 90’s inside the glory of UE4. So now I have everything I need to really get going.

If anyone wants to join in and help rush this along your more than welcome :wink:

A New Face Texture I Used For Natalya. On The Left Hi-Res & Right Lo-Res Of Same Picture But Made It Look More Like The Original GE64 Style Textures (The Original Natalya Really Doesn’t Look Like Her ;))

Mini jaws!!!

Is this still going ahead?