I’m finishing up on my c++ and I go back and fourth on some times to see where my skills or at. I have a template meta programming book left and to research how api’s are put together. But I think I may have trouble with certain parts like this in the future for example
virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent
class UInputComponent * PlayerInputComponent
Okay, I see this is a method that’s already been taken care of for me. which has the parameters of a pointer to u input component. I then check the contents of that player input component points to which is
But how would I know fname meant to be to go say the name in the project setting without the docs telling me to and Userclass *object although kind of obvious to use this… The last one I didn’t read template and meta programs yet to result to this. Unless I looked at somebody else code how would I know to go to controller and etc. to make something??? unless I watch the training streams???
Now that I think about you know something simple like that everything else ask for the same exact thing lol. But still how would know to grab the controller variable??? Just have to look through a lot of docs then… book referrals would be nice
Best place is the template projects. Take a look at those and understand what each line is doing and why.
There’s no simple way to understand how a game engine works though… you learn a lot by simple trial and error. If simplicity is what you’re after you probably chose the wrong engine. UE4 is huge and feature-rich, so therefore inherently complex.
Not simplicity. But being skilled in such and environment. Besides going through trial and error there must be certain books or etc. That will prep me on a game engine. C++ is more simplistic then blueprints so it’s not a hard challenge. It’s going in prepared so you don’t have to go through trial and error.
As a programmer, the API of Unreal Engine is hugely different to simply coding in C++. Some functions called almost seem to follow C# or Java patterns instead of C++. What MartinL_Lucid said is very solid; even declaring a new class is different in C++, and it just takes time to learn.
A huge help to me was YouTube tutorials and skimming GitHub for open UE4 tutorial projects. For example, I wanted to know how to equip a sword to a socket. I found several YouTube videos on first person shooters, and a GitHub repo on an overhead shooter. After a while, I was able to patch it together to get what I wanted.
Be patient with yourself. Speed is not always the best way to learn.
As a programmer, the API of Unreal Engine is hugely different to simply coding in C++. Some functions called almost seem to follow C# or Java patterns instead of C++. What MartinL_Lucid said is very solid; even declaring a new class is different in C++, and it just takes time to learn.
A huge help to me was YouTube tutorials and skimming GitHub for open UE4 tutorial projects. For example, I wanted to know how to equip a sword to a socket. I found several YouTube videos on first person shooters, and a GitHub repo on an overhead shooter. After a while, I was able to patch it together to get what I wanted.
Be patient with yourself. Speed is not always the best way to learn.
Cool. One thing about what made that cleared a lot of things up basically the GUI is the main. So I just make a class and the instanced variable is within the gui.
As a programmer, the API of Unreal Engine is hugely different to simply coding in C++. Some functions called almost seem to follow C# or Java patterns instead of C++. What MartinL_Lucid said is very solid; even declaring a new class is different in C++, and it just takes time to learn.
A huge help to me was YouTube tutorials and skimming GitHub for open UE4 tutorial projects. For example, I wanted to know how to equip a sword to a socket. I found several YouTube videos on first person shooters, and a GitHub repo on an overhead shooter. After a while, I was able to patch it together to get what I wanted.
Be patient with yourself. Speed is not always the best way to learn.