GLTF some bones are not imported

I have a skeletal mesh that has it’s leg bones missing when imported into UE5.
I’ve tried other runtimes ( GLTF viewer, Godot ) and all of them show the proper hierarchy of bones and working animations.

Interchange is not throwing any errors, not even a warning.

Please advise.

version: 5.4.2

Same issue here

Heres a sample file:
bleachersCrowd.glb (25.0 MB)

Microsoft “3D viewer” is able to view the bone animations properly, Unreal only imports one of the 6 bones.

I reported the issue in our ticketing system.

I suggest you try the 5.5 preview and see if they resolved it. Unfortunately the interchange side of things don’t get updated seperately so we are at the mercy of new unreal releases.

Yes, we have a fix that is schedule to come in 5.5.0.
At least on similar issues than the one in the file sent by @officernickwilde