I’m on UE 4.27, using the official GLTF plugin by Epic:
I think the GLTF exporter might have a bug. It happens for both .gltf and .glb export formats.
But it only happens for some models, not all. Maybe if the model is too large? Not sure.
In UE, I export a large model as .glb. I try to import it into Godot Engine, and it fails. But, the .glb imports correctly into Blender. Maybe Blender handles errors in GLTF gracefully.
Once the model is in Blender, I can re-export the model as a new .glb file. The .glb is now able to import into Godot correctly.
I did some digging, turns out .glb/gltf is human readable JSON format. I used a plugin in Visual Studio Code to view the JSON, and it spat out some errors.
Exhibit 1 = An Original Unreal .glb export that has errors.
Exhibit 2 = Exhibit 1 imported into Blender, then exported that model from Blender as a new .glb
Exhibit 3 = An Original Unreal .glb export, but using a different model than Exhibit 1. No errors.
Exhibit 1: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Please note the errors at the bottom generated by the GLTF Visual Studio code plugin. It looks like ByteLength should not be 0.
These errors occur under the JSON Array Key names: “accessors” and “bufferViews”
I tried inputting any number greater than 0 and it seemed to resolve the issue (errors went away), but I didn’t actually save edited .gltf since I don’t know what to put in for the number.
Exhibit 2: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
This is Exhibit 1 unedited imported into Blender, then exported as a new .glb from Blender. The new Blender .glb has no errors (ignore unused values).
Exhibit 3: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
An original .glb exported from Unreal, but a different model than Exhibit 1. This one has no errors.
Here are the exhibits you can download and try: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fppPPhApyclAgH8v2hr0FHHYROI3vlrQ/view?usp=sharing
The .glb and .gltf are in their respective folders. Please open .glb in VS Code with the GLTF plugin: glTF Tools - Visual Studio Marketplace
Alternatively, just open the .gltf directly, still in VS Code with the GLTF plugin so it can highlight the errors.