I’m trying to convert some GLSL code to C++ and I’m not familiar with GLSL syntax, anyone lend a hand?
It’s Inigo Quilez’s noise derivatives from Shader - Shadertoy BETA
vec3 noised( in vec2 x )
vec2 f = fract(x);
vec2 u = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
#if 1
// texel fetch version
ivec2 p = ivec2(floor(x));
float a = texelFetch( iChannel0, (p+ivec2(0,0))&255, 0 ).x;
float b = texelFetch( iChannel0, (p+ivec2(1,0))&255, 0 ).x;
float c = texelFetch( iChannel0, (p+ivec2(0,1))&255, 0 ).x;
float d = texelFetch( iChannel0, (p+ivec2(1,1))&255, 0 ).x;
// texture version
vec2 p = floor(x);
float a = textureLod( iChannel0, (p+vec2(0.5,0.5))/256.0, 0.0 ).x;
float b = textureLod( iChannel0, (p+vec2(1.5,0.5))/256.0, 0.0 ).x;
float c = textureLod( iChannel0, (p+vec2(0.5,1.5))/256.0, 0.0 ).x;
float d = textureLod( iChannel0, (p+vec2(1.5,1.5))/256.0, 0.0 ).x;
return vec3(a+(b-a)*u.x+(c-a)*u.y+(a-b-c+d)*u.x*u.y,
As far as I’ve got…
FVector UFastNoise::GetNoise2DDeriv(float x, float y)
FVector2D p = FVector2D(x, y);
p.X = FMath::FloorToFloat(p.X);
p.Y = FMath::FloorToFloat(p.Y);
FVector2D f = FVector2D(x, y) - p;
FVector2D u = f*f*(3.0 - 2.0*f);
float a = GetNoise2D(p.X, p.Y);
float b = GetNoise2D(p.X + 1.f, p.Y);
float c = GetNoise2D(p.X, p.Y + 1.f);
float d = GetNoise2D(p.X + 1.0f, p.Y + 1.0f);
FVector result;
result = FVector(a + (b - a)*u.X + (c - a)*u.Y + (a - b - c + d)*u.X*u.Y,
6.0*f*(1.0 - f)*(FVector2D(b - a, c - a) + (a - b - c + d)*(FVector2D(u.Y, u.X))));
return result;
Bit lazy I know but someone familiar with GLSL can probably save me the headache!