Glowing Shrine

Hello everyone,Just Wanted To Use Unreal Engine 5.2 To Make A Environment, And This Is The Result.I’ll Let You Decide If It Was Successful, But I Gained A Lot Of Knowledge Nonetheless .
Feedback Is Welcome. Cheers!:mount_fuji::congratulations::shinto_shrine:

For More Renders: ArtStation

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Hi there @VasanthAnbu,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

It’s so nice to see more of your work. As to be expected with your work, you’ve managed to make a familiar project into something utterly stunning. The warm lantern light contrasted with the gentle sunrays create an almost rainy atmosphere without a single drop or cloud needing to be present. Brilliant work, as always :slight_smile:

Thank you for continuing to share your art and letting us experience your take on the shrine scene. :smiley:

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Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out and for your kind words about my work. I really appreciate your support and encouragement! It means a lot to me to hear that you find my interpretation of the shrine scene stunning.

I’m glad that my art resonates with you and I’ll definitely keep pushing myself to create more. Your words truly boost my motivation and inspire me to continue exploring different perspectives and styles.

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. I hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

:izakaya_lantern: :shinto_shrine:

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Hi there @VasanthAnbu !

I must say that I find the visuals of this absolutely stunning. It’s a very lovely atmosphere followed by this feeling of familiarity followed by a lingering longing feeling. It’s very easy to picture oneself in the environment and I think that’s always a sign of a well done project!

Keep up the good work! :star_struck: :green_heart:

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Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback with us. Your kind words about our visuals are truly appreciated

I hope you have a fantastic week ahead! :rainbow: :zap:

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