Hi guys,
this time i try to get my point & click adventure system starting
and i have some i guess very basic questions:
is there something like a global variable ?
i need to store global variables that i can access from everywhere in the game and that stays persistent over all levels
this should store the name of the last level visited when i have loaded a new one.
purpose: in some rooms/levels there is more than one starting point, depending from the room (level) i entered the actual room/level. so i want to query this variable in the level blueprint and decide where to put the player starting point
these variables should store info wether an object is in the level or not.
purpose: the player can interact with multiple objects per room/level and i have to set these objects on level start.
i tried to place these variables in my gamemode blueprint, cause i heard this stays persistent over all levels.
but i have trouble getting and setting these variables form level blueprints or other blueprints.
Can anybody show me a tutorial how to do this ( i guess it is very basic unreal stuff, sadly not for me) or is there a better way to achieve this ?
kind regards