Global Time Dilation set to Zero breaks ongoing Skeletal Mesh's Simulate Physics

Scenario: I have an actor receiving a killing blow with a force impulse, which makes it go ragdoll.

If I set GlobalTimeDilation to 0 (zero) with an ongoing/unfinished AllBodiesSimulatePhysics on a SkeletalMesh (actor receiving the killing impulse and going flappy ragdoll), and then I reset GlobalTimeDilation to 1, the SkeletalMesh will instantly go into hyperspace.

Any solution to this? Am I doing something wrong?

PS: it seems to act weird with all values close to zero

Hey! Not sure if you are trying to pause the game or not, but you can use Set Game Paused instead.

Yes, I was using Set Game Paused before, but that breaks even more things than Global Time Dilation…