Hi, I am a very new to UE4, and I have recently encountered a problem. (Windows 10)
When I try to test my game and use the “Standalone game” play option everything works fine in the windowed part, but when I press F11 to try and go into fullscreen mode, my screen starts to glitch across the entire screen. I have tested this issue on two different screens and computers, and they both show the same issue. I tried to record the issue on my computer, but it did not show the problem, so I recorded it on my Iphone to show the issue. I have tried to see if anyone else has reported the same issue, but I have not seen anything like my problem.
If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
Vid link: Glitch UE4 fullscreen - YouTube
I start the video off in windowed mode and at 0:11 mark I press F11 and enter fullscreen mode and the glitch can be seen across the screen in the middle.