Glass reflection artifacts?

Hello all, first time posting here.
I usually do my research before asking stupid questions but this one is driving me nuts.
Been switching from static to dynamic lighting back and forth for the past 5 days watched all the videos on YT on reflections and still can’t figure this one out.
I was wondering if it’s just a setting on my end or if these are the limitations of SSR?

Image 1 shows the dither in the reflection which is just terrible.
Image 2, by changing the view angle, shows a regular SSR reflection which comes into the screen but it still has the first 1 blending in.

If I disable SSR completely, both reflections disappear. So it’s either something messed up in my settings or this is the best SSR can do?

Any help is greatly appreciated. And please take it easy on me. I fired up UE for the first time 2 weeks ago.

I’m not even close to being a rendering expert, so I can’t say whether you’ve simply reached the limit of what screen-space reflections can do.

One idea that does come to mind, though, is trying to place some reflection capture actors in front of those windows so they have access to pre-generated reflection data.

Not sure it will help in your situation, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to bring it up.

hey SavvyIndoorsman,
thanks for taking the time to pitch in.

After another day of banging my head against the wall I think I have to agree and I believe that is the limit of screen-space reflections.
Sadly, I don’t think I can use that for production.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the reflection capture actors (sphere or box) are pretty much useless for fully dynamic lighting. I tried placing a couple of them around the scene and played with their settings but, leaving aside the parallax issues, those reflections are just bad (quality wise).
So I take it there’s not much left. I believe planar reflections are out of the question, since there’s no way to have 90deg windows reflections, correct?

One quick question, if you don’t mind me asking, or anyone else for that matter if they want to pitch in…
The planar reflection checkbox within the material properties… is that just a useless gimmick or what?
Maybe I don’t understand it’s purpose or don’t know how to use it… but it definitely doesn’t give you planar reflections on your translucent material. what gives???

thanks everyone, and back to reading some more

Are you referring to this checkbox in the material editor?

If so, as the tooltip for it says, that setting won’t have any relevance when using the engine’s deferred renderer, which is the project default. Not sure it would be useful for you even if you were/are using the forward renderer.

Re: your other questions, I’m afraid I’m at the limits of my knowledge on this subject. (I’m primarily a programmer.) Hopefully someone else with some rendering expertise will come along and provide you some helpful answers!

ooooooh… I see what you did there… there’s actually another renderer built in…

Very Niiiice (with a Borat accent).

I Switched to Forward shading and I gotta say the reflections with the planar settings checked, inside the material, look decent (almost good enough).

However, I have a couple of issues with it as of now:

  1. The SkyLight reflects pretty good, with the clouds and everything, but it is static in the reflection.
    I tried a quick trick to recapture the sky on an event tick and it murders the FPS. (9-15)
    So that’s either not the way to go or real time reflections can’t be done??!!!
  2. Another weird thing I noticed is… While the reflection of the sky looks somewhat ok… nothing else reflects in the windows.

I have an intersection with 4 buildings and the glass only reflects the sky but none of the other buildings are reflected? Any clue as to why? None of the other geometry shows in the reflections.

Hi, I am also facing the same problem, the sky is reflecting but no movements and the tree movements is also not reflecting. It’s all static…