I’m working on a Possitionsmarker BP to Show a Possition of an Object (in a widget)
For a Single Object that works fine. I set the Possition and Read it in my widget BP.
But as a total beginner, i am a bit stuck. I want to place different Objects into my Scene. Like
3 Apples and 2 bananas
The Apples have a Green Marker in my Widget and the Bananas have Yellow Markers (just an example)
So in my Possitions Widgets there should be 3 Green and two yellow Markers.
I am aware that i have to give each of the objects a identification, so that my MarkerWidget can read out each individual possition.
yes. exactly. each object (actor) has its possition. and to read out WHO has WHAT possition i need to identify them, so i can use this as a possition marker inside a compass. to have one object giving a possition is relatively easy to read out but if you have more of those you need to separate each’s object possition by identifying them.