I just subscribed to unreal this afternoon, and I am currently attempting to download the source code through github. I followed each step in the video
&index=24&list=PLZlv_N0_O1gaCL2XjKluO7N2Pmmw9pvhE, yet I am still having problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I am not sure if this will help, but I have the message “Please note if you change your associated GitHub account name, your private fork will be permanently deleted from GitHub. Any code changes you’ve made in your private fork will be irrevocably lost!” under the update github account tab.
Hey submersion-
What point in the process are you having problems at? Were you not able to sign up for a GitHub account or are you having trouble connecting the GitHub account and your Unreal account? Any information you can provide would be helpful.
Hi, I’m having the same problem; registered, paid, associated my github account to ue dashboard and nothing until now 
Hey xMDKx-
Did you receive an email from GitHub after associating your two acounts together?
Hey , not yet (double checked on spam folders too)
Sorry for not giving more information. I am having trouble with associating the two accounts. I attempted numerous times to associate the accounts through the account information page, but nothing seemed to work.
submersion and xMDKx-
Just to double check, could you do the following steps for me. From the GitHub website could you click your account name in the top right corner to take you to your account page. Copy your account name from under the avatar image and go to unrealengine.com and log in. On your account page, paste your GitHub account name into the field for “Update GitHub Account” and click save changes. Then wait about five minutes to see if you get an email from GitHub.
I’ll gladly give it a go again, but I tried that sanity check last night because I thought I was losing my mind.
I almost forgot to mention. For some reason, whenever I tried to enter a github user name with capital characters on the unreal account page, they would be made lower-case when I updated the information. I tried making an all lower-case github account name, but that didn’t work either.
The conversion to lowercase is known and shouldn’t cause any issues as long as you enter the name originally as it is on GitHub (with proper capitalization). In order to test the functionality could you please confirm your GitHub username? (xMDKx - this applies to you as well)
tried, waited some time, but no luck again (my github user is rodrigogolive)
my github account is vrsubmersion
After adding your Github account name to your Unreal Engine account and clicking the orange “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page, did you receive a confirmation email?
Another thing I’d like you both to check when you have the chance. Go to this link: Epic Games · GitHub and check if you see a green button near the top right saying “Join”?
Thanks for all the information. This issue has been escalated and we’ll figure it out ASAP.
Thanks for all your help, . I did receive an email titled “Unreal Engine external account association changed”, but I am still not part of the organization on github, and I don’t have the green button.
Use this link while logged into the GitHub account that is connected to your EpicGames account. If that doesn’t work sign out of your GitHub account and then try the link again.
Hey guys, just joined.
Already associated my GitHub username on the Unreal Account page.
Haven’t received any emails, though, so the join button does not appear (even after trying the ?via_email=1 url).
Tried ‘saving changes’ a couple times, but still no auto-email.
My github username is davidfernandoc.
Did you try the url while signed in and after signing out? Where did the link take you after clicking it?