I guess I have two questions really, but they’re related so I’ll just ask them both here.
First, I’ve downloaded and unzipped the UnrealTournament-master file from Github. When I try to open the project in UE4 version 4.2, it displays this message: Project modules are missing or out of date. Would you like to recompile them?
First I clicked no and it gave me this message: The game module ‘UnrealTournament’ does not appear to be up to date. This may happen after updating the engine. Please recompile this module and try again.
Next I clicked yes and it gave me this message: Game code couldn’t be complied. Continue trying to start anyway?
When clicking yes here it shoots the same message as when I originally pressed no.
So basically I cannot open the UnrealTournament project. What do I need to do to fix this?
I’m assuming it may have something to do with me needing to update the project which can be easily done if I can clone the project from Github, but this isn’t working either.
The issue here is that the clone process starts, but then freezes at some point down the line. Currently it is frozen at 11% (2006/17740) files. Any assistance in regard to these two issues would be much appreciated!
If you’re interested in playing around with or contributing to UT you will have to download version 4.3 of the engine.
Once you have 4.3 downloaded make sure UT is pointing at 4.3 by right clicking on the .uproject file and selecting, “Switch Unreal Engine Version.” This will not only switch the project to utilize the correct version of the engine, but also generate Visual Studio project files. After this UT should load up just fine in the UE Editor and you shouldn’t have any issues building/rebuilding the project in Visual Studio.
As for cloning I have had days where a clone of a large repo took a couple minutes and days where a clone of a large repo has taken an hour. I would assume this all comes down to your connection speed and the load on GitHub’s servers.
Thanks for the reply! Since posting this I finally got the clone to work. And thank you for that insight on getting UT to work! I didn’t see anything about that in the wiki tutorial on how to get started with UnrealTournament. I do have 4.3 so this should be a simple fix, I’ve just been trying to open in in 4.2 because that’s what the wiki said to. Maybe the article is outdated?
Hey one more question since this post is here and it’s kind of related.
I thought I’d be getting the “c04” and “f08” maps that David Spalinski made for test maps. I was hoping so, so I can get some general measurements for hallways and stuff, because I plan on designing some maps.
How would I go about getting these if they didn’t come with what I downloaded? Somewhere on github?