GitHub Builds of Android/x86 Not Working

Original AnswerHub Topic: Compiling Android x86 Engine from GitHub Fails - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Been dealing with this for a couple weeks now. Still not a huge amount of progress, despite some assistance.

Summarizing the AnswerHub topic, efforts to build any recent version of UE4 for Android/x86 from GitHub are failing on my end. When I get to Configuration Manager, I cannot set UE4/Shipping/Android to x86. It only offers me “Win32” (which builds Android/ARM) or “x64” (which fails to compile).

When I try to work around it by creating a completely new configuration, I can force x86 as the architecture for UE4, but it still doesn’t work. It gets really glitchy and ticks on things like WinRT.

I suspect something changed in VS2013r5 and VS2015 that is forcing x64 instead of x86. But bottom line, I cannot get Android/x86 UE4 engines to build from source.

Would appreciate some confirmation before punting this forward as a bug.

I know adding UE4 Android/x86 to the standard compiled builds was a goal back in 2014, but it still hasn’t been done yet. And I have set up two completely clean-from-bare-metal build environments, one Win 8.1, and one Win 10… neither can build 4.10 or 4.11 from source for Android/x86 shipping UE4 engine build targets.

Help appreciated, thanks.

Hi ChrisPrice,

I’ve commented on the AnswerHub.