GitDependencies - WebException (403)

I’m trying to build UnrealEngine from source, but I’m stuck with below issue when I run ‘Setup.bat’. This is on Windows 10.

Failed to download '': The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. (WebException)

I have tried to build the Engine ignoring this error but it failed saying it can not find ‘nvTriStrip_64.lib’. Can anyone please help me to solve this? Thanks.

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Got it solved. Apparently, it has been my firewall. Disabled it and now it all works fine. Thanks.

I have the same problem, but disabling the firewall did not help. Someone else have a solution?

Hello, I’m seeing the same problem right now building from the latest release branch (of 4.26). When I run Setup.bat a second time, it knows it has everything else but fails on the one dependency that the CDN is erroring (see below).

What is the issue here, and is there any way to fix this? Thanks.

PS D:\Development\UEBuild1> .\Setup.bat
Checking dependencies...
Updating dependencies:   0% (0/1)...
Failed to download '': The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. (WebException)
Press any key to continue . . .
PS D:\Development\UEBuild1>
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Have you solve this problem? I met the same one by don’t know how to do…

I am also running into the same issue. Has anyone figured this out yet?