Git Source Control doesn't find my existing repository

My colleagues and I are having an issue where none of us seem able to connect, when originally trying to get the repository to be synced, it showed that it couldn’t find the Git repository.

Console gave me these errors:

SourceControl: Error: fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'C:/Users/username/Documents/Programming/GalaxyLife/Unreal'
SourceControl: Error: 'C:/Users/username/Documents/Programming/GalaxyLife/Unreal' is owned by:
SourceControl: Error:     BUILTIN/Administrators (S-1-5-32-544)
SourceControl: Error: but the current user is:
SourceControl: Error:     DESKTOP-DF2AE/username (S-1-5-21-2463748957-4266557334-1583832737-1001)
SourceControl: Error: To add an exception for this directory, call:
SourceControl: Error:     git config --global --add C:/Users/username/Documents/Programming/GalaxyLife/Unreal

so I ran the command and tried to accept the current settings again, which gives me this notification:

but nothing has actually changed, and I am still logged out:

(there are no new logs in the console)

Is it not possible to have the git repository start one directory above your actual project?
Our current file layout is this:


  • Documents/
  • Resources/
  • References/
  • UnrealGame/
    - Content
    - UnrealGame.sln
    - UnrealGame.uproject
    - etc…

Okay so it ended up working after rebooting my pc, I don’t think I did anything special so maybe it just needed a good old reboot

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