Git source code problem

I have connected my github account as first picture1. But I had met the problem as follow:
git clone --depth=1 -b 4.17 ~/UnrealEngine_4.17
Cloning into ‘/root/UnrealEngine_4.17’…
Username for ‘’:
Password for ‘’:
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository ‘’ not found

Could you help me to fix this problem. I don’t know why??. I have follow the guide of the web: GitHub上的虚幻引擎 - Unreal Engine.

My github account have not any message from UnrealEngine, which is showed as picture 1. But I have connected github.

I know this is far into the future from when you posted, but in order to be able to clone from terminal (2022), I had to do couple of steps:

  1. Link Github account to Epic Games Account
  2. Fork repository
  3. Create an SSH key for your github account.
    Generating a New SSH - Github
  4. After generating you SSH, assign it to your account:
    Connecting Github with SSH
  5. Proced to clone using SSH instead of HTTPS
  6. Voilá.

Hope this helps!